Conclusions: European Software Testing Report 2022

How much time do software development companies spend on quality assurance? How much is quality valued in organizations? We took a look at Software Testing News' 2022 European Software Testing Benchmark Report.

Quality in software testing

Software Testing News recently conducted research among European companies. We have summarized the key findings of their 2022 European Software Testing Reference Report on quality testing. A total of 170 IT professionals were asked about how much time and resources European software companies spend on quality assurance, and how useful they consider testing, and how much they value quality within the organization.

The quality of software testing ensures that all products and services provided by the organization meet the best quality standards. The goal of quality assurance is therefore to improve the development process and, ultimately, to make the software more efficient for customers and users. That is why it is extremely important for businesses to place quality at the center of their IT developments.

The role of testing specialists

As can be read in the report, quality assurance (QA) and testing are closely intertwined, but at the same time it is important to separate the two concepts. Testing focuses on code quality and covers the outputs of software delivery, while QA ensures that all processes and procedures are in place to ensure quality products and services.

Research results and conclusions

Based on the answers of the 170 IT professionals interviewed, the following most important results were obtained, on the basis of which conclusions can be drawn about the situation of European software testing in 2022.

• Nearly four-fifths of the interviewed IT professionals often need testing for their work. The research also confirmed that in order to achieve the best possible results, quality should be included in the software delivery life cycle (SDLC) and testing should be regularized.

• The research finds that the majority of IT professionals spend 31-50 % of their budget on testing and quality assurance, while only 2 % spend more than 90 % of their budget on it. This number is quite disappointing, as testing and QA have been proven time after time to improve software development and leave less space for error.

• The research shows that the main difficulty is clearly caused by the process (21 %), closely followed by the lack of suitable specialist (18 %), tools (17 %) and regulation (16 %). A small number of respondents believe that the budget limits the implementation of adequate testing and quality assurance.

• A positive result is that most respondents spend 31-50 % of the SDLC on product release testing, while 25 % of professionals spend 51-70 % of the SDLC on testing. This shows that testing and quality assurance are slowly becoming a priority for businesses across Europe.

On the one hand, the results show that there is still a lot of work to be done in order for European companies to integrate quality assurance and related testing into the very early stages of the development life cycle. On the other hand, the report also highlights that experienced testers play an increasingly important role in the company's value creation process. We experience this growing trend during our test automation, performance testing and RPA projects.

The 2022 European Software Testing Benchmark Report is available HERE.

Source: 1

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