Another milestone: Our office moved to the cloud

ProofIT has reached another milestone. By moving our office to the cloud, we further modernized our operation.

We further modernized our operation

The last two years have brought many changes in economic and social environment. Following the transformations, we have also changed to remote working, since 2020 we have been performing our tasks from home office together with our colleagues. To make our daily operations even more flexible and to keep up with the changes of the 21st century, we decided to move our office to a headquarters service provider logistically and legally.

Address of our virtual office:

1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi utca 12. fszt. 2.

Become more flexible

We see this change as a huge step forward, as we are no longer limited by the location of meetings and workshops, as there are many coworking meeting rooms with adequate infrastructure throughout the country. We have already checked out a few that we will try soon.

In the last two years, we have hardly ever been in the office. Thanks to the flexible work organization, we can manage all projects efficiently and effectively from home office - even the international performance testing project - and we keep the team buildings outside. In addition, more and more new colleagues from outside Budapest are joining us, and we also have colleagues who have recently moved to the countryside. We did not want to limit the expansion of ProofIT by having our office only available in Budapest or Hungary. Thus, even more factors justified the move of our office to the cloud.

Seamless virtualization

The liquidation of the physical office does not affect our partners in any way, we placed our servers in a server hotel, so we continue to perform our tasks related to our projects in the usual way and with high quality.

We recycled our e-waste from our office. We did not take our old IT devices to a landfill, but offered them to RoboKaland Kft., so our discarded IT devices will be recycled and used in summer IT children's camps.

Another change associated with the virtualization of the office is that our office can no longer be reached by landline phone or fax. You can call us at +442036084425 mobil enumber or send us an online message to the email address or to our social media platforms.

Keep looking for us with confidence!

A cikk szerzője


Teljeskörű tesztautomatizálási szolgáltatás és infrastruktúra: tesztautomatizálás a tervezéstől a kivitelezésen át az eredmények kiértékeléséig. A ProofIT Kft. széleskörű szolgáltatásokkal és tesztelési infrastruktúra kiépítésével nyújt segítséget elsősorban nagyvállalatok, állami szervezetek számára több mint tíz éve.
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