Eco-conscious IT tool donation from ProofIT

RoboKaland has received IT donation from ProofIT. Our old IT tools will be recycled and used in summer IT camps for children.

E-waste recycled

Our office will be moving soon. We were looking for a new place for our redundant or faulty IT tools. In the name of environmental protection, instead of a landfill, we offered our discarded IT equipment to RoboKaland Ökotutatos Jövőért Nonprofit Kft. Server machine, keyboards, mice, cables, rack cabinet, switch, router and kvm switch from ProofIT's office were also replaced by RoboKaland, the digital community workshop.

We choose RoboKaland, which supports the environment and sustainability, because we wanted our discarded IT tools to be recycled. RoboKaland has signaled to us that our e-waste will be used in their summer children’s camps. With this donation, the nature, our planet, and children interested in the IT profession - the future IT worker - have done better. We hope that with our donation we have also contributed a little to the education of IT professionals of the future.

Educate eco-conscious IT professionals

RoboKaland is the first creative workshop where children who are receptive to the IT profession can build new things out of electronic waste. So far, 49 tons of e-waste has been recycled. With the help of IT tools donated by ProofIT, children can also learn how to repair computers, operate and install operating systems.

Children participating in RoboKaland's programs have also created smart gardens, microprocessor “smart” devices, water purifiers, industrial equipment, ion engines and robots from recyclable parts. The mission of RoboKaland is to leave a more livable planet for children, eco-conscious professionals, researchers and inventors

It is a great pleasure for us to be able to support such an initiative for a good cause!

A cikk szerzője


Teljeskörű tesztautomatizálási szolgáltatás és infrastruktúra: tesztautomatizálás a tervezéstől a kivitelezésen át az eredmények kiértékeléséig. A ProofIT Kft. széleskörű szolgáltatásokkal és tesztelési infrastruktúra kiépítésével nyújt segítséget elsősorban nagyvállalatok, állami szervezetek számára több mint tíz éve.
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