What does coronavirus epidemic shine on? What trends have been accelerated? The current pandemic raises a number of questions. We do not know how long it will take. We do not know how long vaccines will be effective against it.
We do not know what the virus mutates. We do not know when a major epidemic will strike in the future, causing severe damage not only to people but also to economic operators. There is a great deal of uncertainty about all this, both locally and globally.
What is certain is that several areas of our lives have fundamentally changed and are constantly evolving. As far as corporate everyday life is concerned, it has certainly had the benefit of a coronavirus pandemic and forced lockdowns to protect against it: it has made decision-makers realize that life without reliable information and communication technology (ICT) systems and devices will stop working.
During the pandemia, we can see the trends around us, we can see the trends around us, of which we have briefly walked around the most important, which are expected to be critical competitive factors for the future.
Digitization has appeared into industries where it was rarely present before. An example is that, triggering live work, to meet automatic cash register in more and more grocery stores and drugstores.
Companies are moving to programs and technologies that are putting many workflows, or even the entire corporate operation, on an online, digital platform at an ever-accelerating pace. A typical example of this is that one of the trading companies who could have, switched to online sales.
The corporate “immune system” should also be maintained, therefore the resilience of corporate IT systems should be strengthened. Companies are less and less able to afford to neglect their digital systems/devices. Maintenance includes both hardware and software maintenance and development, but also security issues.
As companies need more and more efficient IT systems to stay competitive in the long run, the need for automated testing is growing. This is because regular testing is a prerequisite for the trouble-free operation of digital systems.
Instead of manual testing, automated testing can be operated with greater efficiency, quasi-less effort, and last but not least, less risk of infection. At ProofIT, we are also experiencing increased demand, with a significant increase in the number of our orders since the beginning of the pandemic.
What can be clearly concluded from the effects of the coronavirus for business and IT managers is not to sway ourselves into an illusion: most of the reorganized processes, modes and solutions introduced by Covid-19 will not reorganize, but will become permanent and develop further after the epidemic subsides. 2020 was also a watershed year in the lives of companies.
It must be recognized that with regard to many of the organizational processes introduced out of coercion, the pre-2020 status will not return after 2020, the norm will be different. That is, companies will have to continue to operate from this “staircase”. And more and more complex and larger IT systems will be able to operate with more and more automatic testing.