The key to the success of a 21st century company is the effective transition to digital technologies. Today, it is no longer a question of a company lagging behind the competition without reliable softwares and ICT systems. Digitization - that is, the digitalisation of previously physical or analogous processes, contents, objects - is a tool for technology-based organizational renewal. Integrating digital technology into a company’s many activities will fundamentally change the way value is created and its day-to-day operations.
Digital transformation is a continuous and complex series of actions to transform the way as an organization operates. In addition to the development and implementation of innovative technologies during the digital transformation, it is also necessary to invest in new human capabilities and re-optimize resources and processes.
There are many elements to digital transformation, from digital product development to automated or manual software testing, with the transition of an organization taking place on several levels. All this is accompanied by a change in corporate culture.
Each company is transitioning to digital devices at a different pace and form. What they have in common is that the digital transformation is a very lengthy and far-reaching organizational development challenge in the life of any company that requires coordinated individual, group, and organizational interventions.
However, taking into account the diverse needs, how can the digital transformation be successfully implemented? It is always worthwhile to develop and implement multifaceted intervention plans, taking into account the specific industry environment, building on the company's capabilities and business-technological challenges, aligning its business model and strategy, keeping in mind customer needs and, last but not least, ensuring business continuity.
The transformation of digitization does not end with the replacement of old devices and systems. The harder part is the soft, behavioral and thinking changes that management and organizational culture need to help create. Productivity growth can really be expected after the introduction of a new software, after a major technological change, if there is a comprehensive change in the mentality of digitization. That is, it requires the commitment of managers and employees at all levels, supported by the corporate culture.
A successful digital change-over cannot be achieved without the support of organizational culture. Digital tools are available at any time, but the culture needed to operate them can only be systematically developed with the active participation of the number one leader. It is worthwhile to start learning and practicing the digital-agile approach from the management circle.
The first-, middle and senior managers must believe that they are committed to the legitimacy of business-organizational IT interventions and developments. Only then will employees at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy be able to trust that the continuous renewal and expansion of IT systems will serve the company.
In terms of human resources, it is recommended to address digital skills based on and developed. Digital-agile transformation can be effectively supported by internal and/or external training. It is worthwhile to separate the trainings into general and specialized themes in different technologies and jobs.
Regular and planned training reduces resistance and fear of digital devices, while at the same time creating a broad foundation for digital culture within the organization. The effectiveness of training to encourage the digital switchover can also be strengthened by specialized coaches. The goal is to spread a corporate culture that embraces the digital approach at all levels of the company.
Due to the expanding digital transformation, the need for automation of organizations is also constantly increasing. Therefore, it should also be borne in mind that companies will have to focus more and more on building an internal testing infrastructure instead of outsourcing.
For this reason, it must be made part of the corporate culture as soon as possible what, when, how to control and test the organizational IT processes. This requires, on the one hand, a well-functioning in-house testing infrastructure and, on the other hand, building the appropriate competencies on the human side.
The testing competencies of our clients' employees are typically developed through training, which prepares them for the correct and efficient operation of the in-house automated testing infrastructure (test automation devices, test banks, etc.).
Complete test automation service and infrastructure: test automation from design through implementation to evaluation of results. ProofIT Ltd. has been providing assistance to a wide range of services and testing infrastructure, primarily for large companies and state organizations for more than ten years.