Why is outsourced performance testing common?

Measuring the performance of complex IT systems requires great expertise. It is necessary to think carefully, in-house people or external experts carry out the testing process.

Testing is a profession

Performance testing is a very complex set of tasks requiring a lot of expertise, which should be treated as an independent profession. Appropriate professional training is required for its efficient and effective implementation. We can entrust the testing of the performance of a software to external experts or entrust our own internal team with the task. In general, the size, complexity and the time factor of the project decide whether we appoint outsource or in-house testers to implement the project. For extremely complex performance testing, testing is typically outsourced for several reasons.

Lack of in-house competence

Most organizations do not have all the necessary competencies in-house, so in some cases it is necessary to involve an external specialist who uses testing techniques and methods that are not available within the company. In addition, he brings with him a different perspective from the company, he looks at problems from a different light, and last but not least, he is not interested in mistakes being covered up, so he does not participate in power/professional games, which also hinder the project.

Lower human load

Another characteristic reason why companies typically entrust an external company with performance testing is that the project takes away much less human resources from the organization. In other words, outsourced performance testing makes daily operations less difficult and burdens employees.

Outsourcing as a competitive advantage

Even though an outsourced performance testing project requires a reallocation of resources, the transfer of confidential information, as well as frequent communication and cooperation on the part of the commissioning party, nevertheless, according to our experience so far, companies prefer to commission external testing companies for performance testing in most cases, since a company specialized in testing is more efficient can help the success of the performance measurement project.

Example: Outsourced performance testing

After a bank acquisition, the migration of banking systems and the related performance measurement are always a huge task. In the case of the Bulgarian DSK Bank, extra problems also arose due to the diversity of banking systems. Because previously at the bank, systems running under Windows and Linux took part side by side in serving the main processes, but there were also mainframe systems that were left over and still working - which made the performance testing work even more difficult and required extra skills from the project developers.

DSK Bank did have performance measurement and analysis tools, but they were not sufficient to perform a task of this magnitude and with such technological diversity. In addition to all of this, the entire measurement task took much less time than usual, only three months. For this reason, DSK Bank commissioned its engineers, who have acquired great expertise in ProofIT testing, and KPMG specialists to carry out the performance testing.

Ask our experts for help with performance testing of complex IT systems today. Learn more about our performance measurement service >>>

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